Strathmore University Foundation (SUF) is seeking your help to ensure that we record and acknowledge receipt of your donations and support. To enable the University realize its value of “Service to Society”, we have requested for your generous contributions, to which you have responded big- heartedly through cash donations, payroll deductions or in-kind contribution. In view of this, we are in the process of developing an automated system that will ensure all contribution data are recorded accurately and that we are able to appreciate you all.
The collective work being undertaken is amazing and we desire to capture, share and show impact. Our partners, alumnus, parents and friends of Strathmore University will be more excited to join hands in the work of building our amazing Institution when we share what we have been able to accomplish already.
For us to do so we are kindly seeking your approval for SUF to have your biodata (Your Full name, staff number, job title, department, date of employment, date of birth, gender, email address, telephone number).
All the information you will provide will be held with the highest level of confidentially and will only be used for communication to you as a donor and as a source of reporting statistics which would not expose the individual.
Please fill the form below