Dr. Vincent Ogutu was appointed Vice Chancellor Designate in May 2018. He self-identifies as a teacher and leverages every opportunity he gets to challenge students and audiences to nurture their talents to an incredible degree and then to put them at the service of a greater purpose. Prior positions he has held at Strathmore are DVC Planning and Development, Vice Dean for Executive Talent Development at Strathmore University Business School (SBS), Director of the SBS Regional Academies in Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania, and founding MBA Programme Director. Dr. Ogutu holds a PhD in Organisational Management from Rutgers University, a Master of Science in Financial Economics from the University of London and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Nairobi. He sits on several boards including Strathmore University Foundation, B Lab East Africa, Nafisika Trust, and is an advisor to several startups in Kenya and the USA.